
Failing in installing Ubuntu in my Windows Vista HP Pavilion dv9378ea (32 bits system)

vn flag

I have tried to install Ubuntu on my old HP Pavilion dv9378ea laptop using many different versions of Ubuntu. None have succeeded so far. The latest version I have tried is Ubuntu 16.04.6 L . It looked promising but finally when the rotating progress symbol had been rotating for three hours I gave up. I seems that the file vmlinuz should be mofified to file name vmlinuz.efi . I therefore need your help in sorting out my installation problem.

Regards Peder

cc flag
Try xubuntu for a 32 bit image that is still supported.
us flag
Does this answer your question? [What options do I have to upgrade an unsupported i386 version of Ubuntu to an operating system with newer packages?](
us flag
What are the specs of this computer?
guiverc avatar
cn flag
[Ubuntu 16.04 LTS has reached the end of it's *standard* support life]( thus is now off-topic here unless your question is specific to helping you move to a supported release of Ubuntu. Ubuntu 16.04 ESM support is available, but not on-topic here, see See also
guiverc avatar
cn flag
Your computer likely is *amd64* or 64-bit (*AMD created the compatible x86_64 or 64-bit compatible chipset; intel's as incompatible & failed in the marketplace so even intel make amd64 chips now*). Almost all machines are 64-bit (beyond XP era) but sold with 32-bit windows as it was $5 cheaper; and consumers/buyers understood $5 cheaper more than 32. vs 64 bits (ie. purchased a 32-bit OS on 64-bit hardware and saved $5)
vn flag
Today I at least managed to get the option of trying the Ubuntu 16.04.6 version operable in my Windows Vista laptop in "Testing Mode" i.e. I did not try to download the Ubuntu SW into my Laptop. Could it be so that I have not prepared my laptop with a suitable partition in a correct way. I intend to comtinue to use my exiting Vista SW on one partition (partition 1) and my new Ubuntu SW on another partition (parttion 2). I have not fully understood how to configure these two partitons so that the Ubuntu SW is landing into partition 2. Anyhone who can help me with that configuration, please?
guiverc avatar
cn flag
As already stated; you're asking questions that are off-topic here, as Ubuntu 16.04 or the 2016-April release is supported only via ESM/Ubuntu-Advantage. You're off-topic on this site; if you want SE Support please check out the already provided on-topic link for SE *Unix & Linux* where your question is on-topic. The most likely issue you're having from description is ISO related; did you verify it? verify the write to installation media? esp. if you're using old software to write the second write to media is where I suspect you're flawed; but you're off-topic here with 2016-April questions.
vn flag
OK! I got your point. Will switch my question to the SE Unix & Linux support link you have suggested.

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