
Cannot remove a directory on NTFS file system even I used "rm -rf"

in flag

I cannot remove a directory called “系统漏洞补丁”(please don't care the name of it) on Windows anyway, so I came to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and tried to remove it. But even I used rm -rf 系统漏洞补丁 . It said: rm: cannot remove '系统漏洞补丁': Directory not empty
And here is the result of ls -al 系统漏洞补丁:

total 8
drwxrwxrwx 1 user user 0 Nov 5 17:51 .
drwxrwxrwx 1 user user 0 Nov 5 17:51 ..

and the . and .. was colored with blue foreground and green background.
Are there any solutions?

crip659 avatar
pl flag
Is it possible that directory is important to Windows? Usually not a good idea to use Ubuntu/Linux to play in Windows stuff, things can happen like breaking Windows. Is Windows in 'fast startup/shutdown' mode?
Zatigem avatar
ru flag
Have you searched for [similar questions]( on SO ? I think you should just use `chkdisk \f` on Windows.

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