
Add a RDP Remmina host by command line

ru flag

I am using remmina to connect to remote machines using the RDP protocol.

What I am looking for is to be able to connect to remote machines without having to open the graphical environment.

The way I have found is, first of all, run remmina from the graphical interface and create a host profile, make the first connection via GUI and once I have made the first connection by GUI remmina creates a configuration file in ~ user / .local / share / remmina / hostconffile.remmina that's when I can run a remmina -c [path / hostconf.remmina] and connect without opening the GUI.

I would like to know how I can create a host profile and be able to connect through the RDP protocol without having to do the above.

If any clarification is necessary, I am attentive to the comments Thank you very much in advance

FedKad avatar
cn flag
Since the profiles created by `remmina` are text files, you can create your own and put under the same directory, by using the already created ones as "examples".
RuthIsRoot avatar
ru flag
Yep, already thinked about that, the problem it's that im using Zabbix and I'm doing a really hard script

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