
Custom Plymouth Theme - Spotty Image

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I'm working on a custom Plymouth theme. I took a gif & broke it down into a series of png files. For some reason, my image is spotty, it also isn't cycling properly. I was hoping someone might be able to help!

I modified this popular Circle Theme by simply replacing the png images, naming them appropriately & updating the circle.script file with the appropriate number of frames (changing from 99 to 133). I've included the modified code below.

# cycle through all images for (i = 0; i < 133; i++) flyingman_image[i] = Image("progress-" + i + ".png"); flyingman_sprite = Sprite();

# set image position flyingman_sprite.SetX(Window.GetX() + (Window.GetWidth() / 2 - flyingman_image[0].GetWidth() / 2)); # Place images in the center flyingman_sprite.SetY(Window.GetY() + (Window.GetHeight() / 2 - flyingman_image[0].GetHeight() / 2));

progress = 0;

fun refresh_callback () { flyingman_sprite.SetImage(flyingman_image[Math.Int(progress / 2) % 133]); progress++; }

Plymouth.SetRefreshFunction (refresh_callback);

one of the original frames the output I'm getting


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