
Icon does not appear in the desktop files in /usr/share/applications

cn flag

Im using Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS

Im trying to add some shortcuts to desktop. When I go to /usr/share/applications I see a lot of files, but none of them are with picture icons. Where are all the executables for my apps? I checked bin folder as well. Similar situation.
Image of Applications folder content

N0rbert avatar
zw flag
In Nautilus it is [not possible]( You have to enjoy Nautilus will all its great functionality and feature-reach. You can even press F3 to get extra pane (really not). So if you want to see icons - install Caja instead of Nautilus or drop GNOMEs Hell and replace it with Cinnamon or MATE. [Here is how](
in flag

if the icon does not appear, try editing one of the files using your text editor. look for the Icon row section. point it to the location of your icon image file


please correct if there is a shortage

Benas Pekarskis avatar
cn flag
Thank you. Tried that. Some of the files do not even have line with Icon="....".
us flag
Do the applications open when you click on the launchers in `/usr/share/applications`? I guess the icon not appearing is a bug in the file manager. They work for me in Xubuntu and Kubuntu.
sugeng dwi cahyono avatar
in flag
You can add your own, it's flexible. some 3rd party files often forget icon files, maybe it's a bug.
Benas Pekarskis avatar
cn flag
Applications open with text editor and I see only this for example: Desktop Entry] Name=Handler for snap:// URIs Comment=Prompt the user to install gnome-software then pass control to it Exec=/usr/bin/snap handle-link %U MimeType=x-scheme-handler/snap; NoDisplay=true Type=Application
sugeng dwi cahyono avatar
in flag
yup, the file is correct, now you just enter one line Icon='...'. ```[Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Name=PhpStorm\nComment=PhpStorm Exec=/opt/PhpStorm-181.4445.72/bin/./ Icon=/opt/PhpStorm-181.4445.72/bin/phpstorm.png Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=GNOME;Application;Development; StartupNotify=true```
sugeng dwi cahyono avatar
in flag
I think this can be used as a reference

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