
Problem with a "vibrating" screen on laptop

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I have a problem with my laptop display, it flickers in a way that makes the screen look like it vibrating. This problem has been going on since Ubuntu 20.04... and it isn't a Ubuntu problem, it happens with 5 other distros.

I would like to move away from Windows 10 because I don't like 11... But, this problem is a deal breaker as I want one distro on all 3 of my PCs (Desktop,laptop, and Surface Pro 2). I am not the only one suffering this problem either, several other people are experiencing this problem but there is no answer for it.

Specs of laptop: Gigabyte P37X v4

Intel Core i7-5700HQ Intel HD 5700 and Nvidia GTX 980m 8GB

I run the display with igpu and dedicated GPU and still have the same problem...I've tried changing all display settings to no avail... This problem seems to be more of a kernel problem.

For a visual aid on what the problem is, here is the screen recorded from my phone:

I am willing to work with anything or anyone to get this problem fixed.

Thank you for your time and understanding, Hex_Dex


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