
Problem with kef x300a speakers

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I've tried to make my kef x300a speakers work on ubuntu, but with little success so far.

When connecting with usb I get a lot of errors in syslog like: Error opening PCM device front:1: No such file or directory

The usb soundcard pops up and disappears constantly in pavucontrol. It's possible to play sound when this happens, but it's interrupted every time the usb device is reset by system.

I get this output from lsusb: lsusb-output

I've also tried to use the soundcard on ubuntu 21.10 in virtualbox, and it works.

lsusb -t on virtualbox

syslog from virtualbox

When using the soundcard on virtualbox the usbfs driver is used on the host computer. When disconnecting the soundcard from virtualbox the host computer switch driver to snd-usb-audio, and yields a bunch of errors.

Anyone who know how to fix this issue? :)

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It looks like KEF has moved to Yamaha dac in revision with usb id 27ac:1002.

I managed to get the device work by adding quirk for the Yamaha MOX6/MOX8 soundcard.

rmmod snd-usb-audio # make sure all usb soundcards are unplugged when doing this

modprobe snd-usb-audio quirk_alias=27ac1002:04991503

Then plug in the speaker, unplug it, and plug it in again. Workaround is not perfect as the driver fail the first time device is plugged in.

If anyone know a better solution a comment would be great! :)


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