
Problems on booting Ubuntu 20.04

cn flag

I am having a weird issue when booting on dual boot alongside Windows 10, the problem can be described as follows:

  1. Turn on the PC.
  2. The motherboard makes a weird sound when starting (it didn't happen before).
  3. Ubuntu starts automatically without entering the GRUB menu but the screen is frozen, I can run some commands with the keyboard but the mouse doesn't work properly.
  4. I restart the PC using the ALT + Print Screen + B command.
  5. Everything starts perfectly even the GRUB menu works well and there is not a weird sound and I can use the computer smoothly until the next shut down.

I know this is not a disastrous problem but it is annoying to restart the PC all the time, thanks for your time.

waltinator avatar
it flag
What's the "weird sound"? Beeps (how many?), rotary grinding, power supply transformer vibration, cat stuck in the mechanism?
vendrick17 avatar
cn flag
It is a 1 long beep and 3 short ones, I checked the Motherboard guide and it said is a problem with the VGA, I tried changing the NVIDIA driver and it didn't solve it.

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