
Ubuntu 21.10 hangs on shutdown/poweroff/reboot

bd flag

I have research solutions for days now and I can't find the correct solutions e.g GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT "acpi=force" "nomodeset" but nothing is working. I also updated my additional drivers for my video card Here are some details enter image description here

Here is my system about enter image description here

also here is my additional drivers enter image description here

also here are my disk. I have 1 ssd and 1hdd. Not sure if they are connected to the issue. I have the OS installed on the ssd. enter image description here

Let me know if there is something I can do. Thank you so much. New Ubuntu user here

ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
You may need some change in UEFI settings and/or update it as well.

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