
Brightness not working in XFCE after using nomodeset in grub file in hp datu0327 laptop

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Brightness is not working moreover the Power Manager Plugin is also not working [see not able to add as the power manager plugin as the option to add it also not working when it comes to power manager plugin]


ChanganAuto avatar
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`nomodeset` override any graphics drivers and forces a generic VESA video mode. Additional functions obviously won't work. Why do you have it?
Md Sakib avatar
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it enters in a bootloop when i didnt used nomodeset
guiverc avatar
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What OS & release are you asking about? Your chosen desktop isn't very specific. (*if you are using `nomodeset` then many display functions are very basic and unconfigurable*)
ChanganAuto avatar
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So fix that first. That is the question you should be asking along with the basic information: Ubuntu release/version, Hardware specifications, etc.
Md Sakib avatar
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Im using XFCE4 on ubuntu impish indri

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