
Change default monitor on user selection screen

cn flag

I primarily use an external monitor for my Ubuntu device, and I've configured it to display on only that monitor. However, while I'm on the user selection screen (before I've logged in), it displays it on the original monitor, instead of the external display.

How could I make Ubuntu use a different display while I'm in the user selection screen?

Someone avatar
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Please clarify your specific problem or provide additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it's hard to tell exactly what you're asking.
KTibow avatar
cn flag
@Algnis I edited it and added a bit more details, let me know if there's any questions I could answer so you could help me better.
Someone avatar
my flag
Yes, now it is looking great and direct!!! Keep it up!!!
Someone avatar
my flag Take a look at it, it seems to solve the issue
KTibow avatar
cn flag
@Algnis I don't have anything in /home/gdm, should I create it?
Someone avatar
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Trying is always good but make sure you don't break your system
KTibow avatar
cn flag
I'll try to reboot and see if it works.
KTibow avatar
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Let us [continue this discussion in chat](
KTibow avatar
cn flag
That answered my question, yes. I flagged it as a duplicate of that.
Someone avatar
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But it is not marked as closed
Someone avatar
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You need to accept it on the above banner you are shown that does this answer your question
KTibow avatar
cn flag
Alright, I did that. Thanks for the help!
Someone avatar
my flag
:) ...............

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