
How can I update Guake in Ubuntu 18.04?

gf flag

I am using guake version 3.0.5 on Ubuntu 18.04, but I see there are releases up to 3.8.1:

The Software Center in Ubuntu shows no updates are available.

How can I update guake to the latest release?

I have found this to be a problem in general, i.e. I can see a new version is available but I don't know how to apply it. Uninstall and re-install? I tried sudo apt update, but it didn't do anything, and I have little clue what I'm doing.

BeastOfCaerbannog avatar
ca flag
Related: [Why don't the Ubuntu repositories have the latest versions of software?](
zw flag

In general your question is about repositories. Official Ubuntu 18.04 LTS repository provides Guake 3.0.5. With the state of this Ubuntu release you can not get newer version from official repositories.

So you need to find some third-party repository by using applications like Y PPA Manager.
This will end with the following simplest way – install Guake 3.8.1 by adding special “Linux Uprising” team — Guake PPA for it by using commands below:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linuxuprising/guake
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install guake

and then launch Guake.

Reverting to default Guake version will be possible by

sudo apt-get install ppa-purge
sudo ppa-purge ppa:linuxuprising/guake
neverdimed avatar
gf flag
fantastic, thank you. I had to restart before seeing the changes, but it's working well
N0rbert avatar
zw flag
Great, so you can accept my answer by clicking on check-mark at the left of it. Package of Guake got update, so `pip3 install …` is no longer needed. Thanks [to Logix](

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