Some years ago I mapped CapsLock
to control to help treat a repetitive strain injury. This stopped working after updating to Ubuntu 12.04. For example, to paste in the terminal, one types shift
. Before the upgrade to 20.04, this worked. Now, it enters a capital letter V
Near as I can tell, what's happening is that shift
is read as shift
, but only when typing using CapsLock
mapped to control. Everything works fine when typing using the actual control keys
This is definitely a bug, since it was working in the previous version, and since it only affects control when typed via the CapsLock
key. Would anyone happen to have any leads on how to fix this? Besides installing an earlier version of Ubuntu?
Edit: I'm no longer sure this is a "bug" in the usual sense; It seems to be an issue with preserving the language settings across a distribution upgrade. Since distribution upgrades are routinely known to break many things, it's not clear that this is entirely unexpected behavior. I suppose the bug might be... if you somehow manage to get your configuration into an inconsistent state where it can't load the correct keyboard layout, then modifier keys also behave strangely.
Many thanks in advance!
> cat /etc/lsb-release