
Create a font from existing SVG icons

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I have a folder of SVG icons which I want to compile into a font. Each icon should be assigned to a unicode character of my choice (eg. U+F000). Traditional font editors like Birdfont are really not what I want here, because they require the user to manually edit every single character.

Optimally I would like to have a tool where I can just add a character to my font from the command line like magictool add --character f000 --file myfile.svg and then export to ttf or otf. Is there a tool which can do something similar?

cn flag

You can import svg files on the command line with the program birdfont-import:

A drawing saved as "a.svg" will be added to the glyph "a" when you run:

birdfont-import a.svg

A drawing saved as "U+62.svg" will be added to "b" when you run:

birdfont-import U+62.svg

You can import several files at once (on the command line) with wildcards:

birdfont-import *.svg

The proprietary version also has a pretty good batch import in the GUI. It looks like this: birdfont folder import

Here are the details:

There is also a functions in the proprietary version that makes it possible to center all glyphs vertically and horizontally with these buttons:

center glyphs


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