
Force nvidia-driver-450 without 460

pl flag

Because of this bug I would like to install an nvidia driver version < 460 on my ubuntu 18.04. But whenever I try to install it via

sudo apt install nvidia-driver-450

(also with sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa before) it always wants to install nvidia-driver-460.

Installing via the .run file from the nvidia website I ran into some kernel module errors.

How can I force to install version below 460?

nobody avatar
gh flag
according to package search online `apt-get --dry-run nvidia-driver-440` check this out please.
Maikefer avatar
pl flag
@nobody running that I still get "The following additional packages will be installed: nvidia-compute-utils-460 nvidia-dkms-460 nvidia-driver-450 nvidia-driver-460 nvidia-kernel-common-460 nvidia-kernel-source-460 nvidia-utils-460" which is exactely not what I want
nobody avatar
gh flag
Bäh I hate meta packages. Sorry.

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