
Switching boot USB themes

in flag

So I started making my own Linux ISO based on Ubuntu, using Cubic. I uninstalled GNOME and installed Budgie. I flashed the ISO onto a drive. When I boot into the install interface, however, if I press my keyboard immediately, it gives me the unpolished Ubuntu interface, and if I wait, it boots into the new Ubuntu interface with the Budgie theme. How do I make it so that it immediately boots into the Budgie theme on the installation page on the USB? (note that running on USB without installing works as intended)

Ubuntu version is 20.04.

The unpolished version

This is what I want it to immediately boot into

This is what I want to show after filechecking is done

ilikerubikscubes avatar
in flag
Nevermind, apparently it's a VirtualBox/virtual machine thing? I think that was safe graphics. Just so y'all know, it works fine if you actually boot it with the computer
pvaesrtdoe avatar
ae flag
If you already found an answer to your question either post it yourself as an answer or consider deleting the question altogether.
Maarten avatar
br flag
Congratulations for discovering that this issue appears in combination with virtualbox so I would note that in your question and see if somebody comes up with an answer for that scenario. Still seems to be a relevant question for some people at least. You could score some points with this

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