
Dash app-folders

us flag

recently, I reinstalled 4 of my PC under Focal Ubuntu 20.04.3 properly (from 0, nothing). 2 are completly OK, but 2 have a strange behaviour with the dash when I want to manage apps in folders. The way to do is to drag and drop icons with themselves. The first time to do this, create a folder ; then, you can drag and drop others icons in this folder, and you can even rename the folder. Everything is OK on 2 of my PC ; but on the 2 others... I can do the same, but when I restart them, folders have disappeared, apps icons are alone (normal as initial situation). The problem is that dconf doesn't record the parameter of org/gnome/desktop/app-folders/folder-children. Each time I restart my PC, the personal values are reseted (with only Utilities and YaST folders), but in org/gnome/desktop/app-folders/folders (in dconf), all the folders I've created are still there. enter image description here enter image description here What is the problem ? How to keep changes and creation folders in org/gnome/desktop/app-folders/folder-children ?... Any ideas ?...

Thanks for your help. Ubuntu 20.04.3 64 bits Gnome 3.36.8

vanadium avatar
cn flag
Are all these installation "fresh" installations, or are they upgrades from an older version?
us flag
No, really fresh installations, from nothing before.

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