The "environment":
I'm runnin a dual boot system; ubuntu alongside Windows. My root is on a separate drive and partition next to windows (SDD), and the home folder is on another drive (HDD) which is also partitioned into two halves. (No problem with Windows since installed, 2-3 months ago)
The story:
Recently my laptop started freezing at random intervals. No matter what I was doing. It didn't matter what programs I was using, it always happened randomly.Sometimes I would go out to make coffee and when I came back it already crashed. My screen would go black, mouse and keyboard unresponsive, SysRQ keys didn't work either. Only solution was to hard reset the computer which I know is not the best way to go. Fresh install of the most recent LTS version of Ubuntu didn't solve the problem. Sometimes I listen to music when this happens, and the sound doesn't really freeze "at place", but rather repeat a 1-2 sec interval of the music. (thought this might help in any way).
The question:
What are the exact steps of identifying the source of a problem like this?
Please bear in mind that I'm a newbie when it comes to Ubuntu or Linux overall, and I really love the system, but I have to find a solution for this. I already tried google and the forums, but mostly the outcome is that "you have to hard reset your computer and that's it", which I'm not really satisfied with.
Thank you in advance!