
Tray icon problem in xfce and gnome with any icon theme

lk flag

On the GNOME and xfce4 desktops tray icon's do not show applications status correctly. for example when obs-studio Records the desktop or is in pause mode No symbols are displayed on the obs tray icon.

When i use linux default icons theme like : Adwaita or Breeze everything is fine BUT i wanna install another popular icon themes like arc , papirus , paper and ... : enter image description here enter image description here

I traied many ways but This problem seems to be related to icon themes or DE !

I tested on Gnome 41 and xfce4.

Can I use special theme only for tray that are separate from the theme icons of the entire system ? for example papirus for all desktop icons and Adwaita for only tray icons ???

vanadium avatar
cn flag
Please specify version of Ubuntu where the issue appears. Ubuntu 21.10 comes with Gnome 40, not 41.
sam avatar
lk flag
@vanadium i use arch btw. this problem not related to distro
vanadium avatar
cn flag
Sorry, we do not support icon issues occurring on Arch.
sam avatar
lk flag
@vanadium this problem is desktop problem and not related to distro type and version! i tested on ubuntu and linux-mint ...

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