
Preview images in dialog window

in flag

I'm searching for a solution to change the view of icons (images) within the Ubuntu built-in file manager in dialog windows.

Image of dialog window:

Image of dialogue window

Example: Click on "upload images" on eBay --> dialogue window opens --> after choosing the folder with images I would have to click each image to see it bigger in preview, but with 700 images in the folder I would have to click a lot!

I know that clicking an image will show a preview on the right-hand side, but with 700 images this is a long process.

I set Dolphin as my default file manager on the recent Xubuntu 21.10. via:

xdg-mime default org.kde.dolphin.desktop inode/directory

but the file manager within dialog windows still seems to be Nautilus with no way to resize the preview icons in the folder.

in flag

Solution found:

Intsalled kde plasma and then added in ~/.profiles at the end:


The filepicker is now Dolphin.

Works fine and without bugs.

Solution is explained here:


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