
Warnings about invalid options names that occur between valid option names

jp flag

I have written the following bash piece, but need to implement something a bit more complicated.

The task is to detect an invalid option only if it happens between known options.

For instance, the following myfunc -v -w --vlt "Ubuntu" would print

Unknown option -w

But myfunc -v --vlt -w "Ubuntu" would not print any warning message because -w occurs after the known non-options arguments.

The code would only check option names starting with -. Thusly myfunc -v -w 5 --vlt "Ubuntu" would only report on the -w, disregarding any option values for warning messages.

 for i in "$@"; do
  case $i in
     printf '%s\n' "Option: $i"
     printf '%s\n' "Option: $i"
     printf '%s\n' "Option: $i"
     printf '%s\n' "Invalid option | Argm: $i"
bac0n avatar
cn flag
Left side parentheses should not be there. You do not have to quote the pattern either, If you don't have the intention of manipulating `$@` (positional parameters) there is no need to re-assign them to another array. (case `"$i"` in... should be quoted though)
bac0n avatar
cn flag
`printf 'Invalid option: %s\n' "$i"`
jp flag
The question is about detecting invalid options that occur between valid option arguments.
bac0n avatar
cn flag
You will still have to fix what I pointed out
jp flag
Using "$i" with `case` is not required. Yes I could simply do `for i in "$@"; do`, right?
cn flag

In this case, it's probably best to switch strategy and shift your options because there is no way to get the list position in a for-loop, which makes it almost impossible to check options with a value:


    ! [[ $1 = @(|-[!-]*|--[!-]*) ]]
    local -n __a__=$2; local b=${1:1}
    [[ ! $b =~ [\ -] ]] && {
      [[ $b =~ ${b//?/(.)} ]] && { __a__=("${BASH_REMATCH[@]:1}"); __a__=("${__a__[@]/#/-}"); }
    } || return 1

declare -a a=() b=()
declare -A O=()

while (($# > 0)); do
    case "$1" in
        expand_option "$1" a || { \
        printf 'Invalid expansion: %s\n' "$1"; exit; }; set -- "${a[@]}" "${@:2}"
        printf 'Option 1: %s\n' "$1"
        printf 'Invalid short option: %s\n' "$1"
     --help)  ;&
     --usage) ;&
        printf 'Option 2: %s\n' "$1"
        check_value "$2" || { \
        printf "Invalid value: '%s'\n" "$2"; exit; }
        printf 'Value for %s: %s\n' "$1" "$2"
        printf 'Invalid long option: %s\n' "$1"

echo Final options '${O[@]}':
for k in "${!O[@]}"; do
    printf 'Key: %s, Value: %s\n' "$k" "${O[$k]}"

if ((${#b[@]} > 0)); then
    printf 'Unknown values: %s\n' "${b[*]}"

jp flag
Would using `;;` instead of `;&` still do the same thing?
bac0n avatar
cn flag
I will will out with another solution with getopt ... `;&` acts as a pass-through. I think it makes it more readable
jp flag
Do not intend to spoil your plan, but I am avoiding using `getopt` or `getopts`. I have used them before, but I do more things than what they currently provide.
bac0n avatar
cn flag
overly complexed.

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