
Cannot find TOCBLOCK, database may be corrupt

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I opened Logs today and saw this error which says: ldm_parse_tocblock(): Cannot find TOCBLOCK, database may be corrupt.

I am NOT dual-booting, my PC is running under Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS version, any thoughts?

in flag
Some details about how Ubuntu was installed might help. If you have any NTFS partitions — even with Windows removed — there can be consistency errors. Sometimes a `grub update` can fix this, though
Someone avatar
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Please clarify your specific problem or provide additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it's hard to tell exactly what you're asking.
Bek avatar
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@matigo I have 2 physical storage, 120GB SSD which is allocated solely for OS Ubuntu, and 1TB HDD. My SSD doesn't have any NTFS partitions ( but HDD has, which I use only to store stuff. Would that somehow affect it?
Bek avatar
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@someone there's no notable changes or problems which made changes/lags on the operation. In fact, I am a newbie to whole Linux and installed Ubuntu not long ago and I found out about the TOCBLOCK when I was checking out the Logs - meaning it didn't pop up or anything like that till I opened the Logs app. Above I have tried to put it up as much as I could...

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