
slack still uninstalls overnight

gh flag

The Slack client suddenly started uninstalling overnight (Linux 21.10 OS as installed) on my laptop and the remedy was to reinstall using 'dpkg'.

I'd been wanting to upgrade to a supported OS so upgraded to 21.04 thinking there was nothing to lose and that in itself might fix the slack issue:

That seems to indicate to me that 'dpkg' is doing the delete. So what runs 'dpkg' during the night, not a cronjob that I can identify?

I'm having to reinstall Slack each morning.

Any ideas what may be causing the uninstall overnight?

user535733 avatar
cn flag
If you reboot your machine right now, is Slack uninstalled? Or does it really only happen in the dark of the night while you are away from the system?
Harish Ganesan avatar
fo flag
Can you take a look at the dpkg logs to find out exactly when that is happening ? or is it even happening because of dpkg like you said ? The dpkg log is present in `/var/log/dpkg.log` in my system atleast. It can be that for some reason, you might be installing them on a temporary drive, which clears out overnight for some reason. ?

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