
Fix kfilebox unsatisfied dependencies

us flag

When I try to use Dropbox in Kubuntu, I soon discover that Dropbox normally requires nautilus, which does not play well with Dolphin. The app kfilebox, available at Sourceforge, is supposed to deal with this problem. However, when I tried to install it I got a complaint about unsatisfied dependencies. How can I get past this?

zw flag

Search on Repology for kfilebox shows two versions of the application - Qt4- and Qt5-based.
The first will not work on your Kubuntu 20.04 LTS because of missed Qt4.
So we need to try the second - Qt5-based version (with outdated sources from 2014 year) as follows:

sudo apt-get install git cmake extra-cmake-modules build-essential

cd ~/Downloads
git clone
cd kfilebox
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

and it will fail with message about missed KDE4 Config:

ERROR: Could not find KDE4 kde4-config

So I would recommend to finish configuration of Dropbox plugin for Dolphin in other thread. If you have problems - please comment there. On my test box it works normally.


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