
How to map touchscreen to primary monitor automaticaly

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I use a board with 2 monitors and a touchscreen(Vendor is Weida). I use the DP-1 monitor as the primary monitor and eDP-1 as an extended monitor. When I power on the board the touch screen will map to these 2 monitors since they are extended screens. But actually, I want to use the touch screen only on DP-1. I can use command xinput map-to-output 'Weida weida' DP-1 to remap the touch screen. But sometimes the touch screen will relink due to the EMI of USB HUB.

At first, I want to write a udev rule to implement this requirement. But I found that udev cannot call xinput :

ENV{ID_VENDOR_ID}=="222a", ENV{ID_MODEL_ID}=="0001", ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="event*", ENV{XAUTHORITY}=="/home/matinal/.Xauthority", ENV{DISPLAY}==":0.0", RUN+="/usr/bin/xinput map-to-output 'Weida weida' DP-1"

The log shows that udev return exit code 1 after triggered this rule.

Is there any way to map the touch screen to the primary monitor automatically when touching screen plug in?


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