
Is there a way to install applications using the text based UI that is presented during the OS installation?

ng flag

During a installation of Ubuntu Server you are presented with a screen which has a list of applications you can check that will be installed. For example, one of those applications is docker. I believe these are called “snaps”.

Is there a way of installing these apps using the same GUI after you have installed the OS?

zw flag

You are talking about Subiquity installer. The screenshot of mentioned snap installation menu is below:


The below message is contained in Subiquity's source-code.

These are popular snaps in server environments. Select or deselect with SPACE, press ENTER to see more details of the package, publisher and versions available.

While the list of featured server snaps is contained in the server.section file. I compiled them to table below

Snap name Publisher Description
microk8s canonical✓ Kubernetes for workstations and appliances
nextcloud nextcloud✓ Nextcloud Server - A safe home for all your data
wekan xet7 The open-source kanban
kata-containers katacontainers✓ Build lightweight VMs that seamlessly plug into the containers ecosystem
docker canonical✓ Docker container runtime
canonical-livepatch canonical✓ Ubuntu Livepatch Client
rocketchat-server rocketchat✓ Rocket.Chat server
mosquitto mospuitto✓ Eclipse Mosquitto MQTT broker
etcd canonical✓ RResilient key-value store by CoreOS
powershell microsoft-powershell✓ PowerShell for every system!
stress-ng cking-kernel-tools ttool to load and stress a computer
sabnzbd safihre SABnzbd
wormhole snapcrafters get things from one computer to another, safely
aws-cli aws✓ UUniversal Command Line Interface for Amazon Web Services
google-cloud-sdk google-cloud-sdk✓ Google Cloud SDK
slcli softlayer PPython based SoftLayer API Tool.
doctl digitalocean✓ The official DigitalOcean command line interface
conjure-up canonical✓ PPackage runtime for conjure-up spells
postgresql10 cmd✓ PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system.
heroku heroku✓ CLI client for Heroku
keepalived keepalived-project✓ High availability VRRP/BFD and load-balancing for Linux
prometheus canonical TThe Prometheus monitoring system and time series database
juju canonical✓ Juju - a model-driven operator lifecycle manager for K8s and machines
maas canonical✓ Metal as a Service

You can install any of them using snap install snap-name command without any additional application.


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