
How to see content of another screen?

us flag

I use laptop with xubuntu 20.04, and have another screen, connected through VGA. But that screen placed not on my deck, this display placed on another room, so I can't see content of screen. Is there was a method, so I can see whats going on that second screen? Can I start another xserver on that screen and look on that through some client? Because it's a little difficult to use second screen with xfce. I often miss my mouse pointer, and because screens have different resolutions - some widgets looks ugly.

Sorry for my English!

in flag
what's the output of `xrandr --listmonitors`?
us flag
`Monitors: 2 0: +*LVDS 1280/331x800/207+0+0 LVDS` `1: +VGA-0 1920/509x1080/286+0+0 VGA-0`
in flag

Try this:

xrandr --listactivemonitors\
|awk -- 'BEGIN { getline } { gsub(/\/[[:digit:]]+/,"",$3) ; print $3 }'\
|while read GEOMETRY
    x11vnc -clip $GEOMETRY &

or if you know geometry of your target monitor acquired by xrandr --listmonitors

mine is as follows:

xrandr --listmonitors 

Monitors: 2
 0: +*LVDS1 1280/330x800/210+0+0  LVDS1
 1: +VIRTUAL1 1280/339x800/212+1280+0  VIRTUAL1

and I ran :

 x11vnc  -clip 1280x800+1280+0

in your case for second monitor:

 x11vnc -clip 1920/509x1080/286+0+0


 vncviewer -shared localhost

EDIT: There is a simple way with xrandr:

To switch to next monitor:

 xrandr --output VGA-0  --left-of LVDS 

To switch back to default monitor:

 xrandr --output VGA-0 --right-of LVDS

Check out:

us flag
Thanks a lot, that works! But I cant see my cursor on vncviewer. I try to start x11vnc with some options, like -overlay but thats doesn't help. Is there a way to show cursor too?
in flag
@КрошкаРу It shows pointer. In two monitor setup mouse exceeds boundaries. I think it stays in the first monitor. Try moving mouse far right or left. It should be visible. Or try `vncviewer -clip xinerama1`.
us flag
I start x11vnc with `-multiptr` and it fix this. Thanks again.

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