
Bash shell script calling an external program isn't displaying output to the current terminal

sa flag

I'm new to shell scripts. I'm making a headless raspberry pi that hacks WiFi networks (for educational purposes) with a program called wifite. The plan is for it to then send an email to with an attachment of the output (not implemented yet).

So this program is interactive so I have to send keyboard input I do that via xdotool. The main issue is that when I try to Ctrl+C after some time it sends the input to the current terminal on screen but wifite runs on the background and I get no output to the terminal.

Now that's fine I do not need onscreen output but I need to be able to send keyboard input to wifite somehow and i think the easiest way to is to force wifite to output to the current terminal so xdotool can send keyboard inputs. Here's the script:

sleep 1m
`sudo wifite --kill | tee output.txt`
sleep 1m
`xdotool key ctrl+c`
`xdotool key Enter`

Let me know if there is anything I can do to make the script better. Perhaps i could use a more effective programs within the script. All help is greatly appreciated.

FedKad avatar
cn flag
Why are you using backticks in the `sudo` command? Why are you single-quoting the last two commands?
Hariss Gills avatar
sa flag
I read somewhere that backtics must be used when running external applications and the quotes are a formatting mistake sorry.
hr flag
@HarissGills you can use the [edit] button under your post to correct the formatting
Hariss Gills avatar
sa flag
@steeldriver thanks got that fixed now
Koen avatar
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