
How to share a CD-ROM drive over the network in Ubuntu 20.04?

es flag

I have 3 Computers and only one of them is old enough to have a CD/DVD-ROM drive. I would like to access the media from the other computers as well.

I have mounted it under /media in the computer where the drive is attached and then tried to access it via sshfs from the other computers by connecting it with Nautilus. I get the error message "You don't have the permissions necessary to view the content of "media"". If I connect to the host computer via ssh and issue the command

sudo ls -la /media (without sudoit doesn't work)

the result is

total 8
d--x--x---  3 andrea andrea   88 Jul 22  2007 .
drwxr-xr-x 20 root   root   4096 Jul 20 10:32 ..
dr-xr-xr-x  2 andrea andrea  508 Jul 22  2007 VIDEO_TS

and if I try to sudo chmod 777 . it tells me "chmod: changing permissions of '.': read only file system" and nothing is changed.

Is there a way to share a CD or DVD drive over the network?

Matthias Lenmher avatar
nl flag
Have you tried with [samba]( ?
Luuk avatar
cn flag
You can [create an iso](, and then [mount the iso](

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