
How can I install the youtube lens for Unity 20.04?

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I am seeking to search YouTube via my unity dash, but I can't seem to find a way to install it. I have tried sudo apt-get install lens-video scope-youtube but it's not working. I am getting an error saying:

E: Unable to locate package lens-video
E: Unable to locate package scope-youtube

How can I remedy this?

no release file

searching in Dash does not show YouTube videos

missing dependency

dependency on python-requests not satisfiable

mchid avatar
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That package was actually provided by the atareao/lens ppa but it hasn't been updated since 2016.
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Does [this]( .deb file work for you? If it does, I will write it into an answer
ilove cupcakes avatar
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@ArchismanPanigrahi no. it says the following package has unmet dependencies....
ilove cupcakes avatar
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nevermind, i give up.
ilove cupcakes avatar
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@ArchismanPanigrahi i will show you.i will update the question. see update 2.
ilove cupcakes avatar
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@ArchismanPanigrahi as you can see your package is made for ubuntu 18.04.1 and I am on ubuntu 20.04
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The version of Ubuntu should not be an issue. What is the missing dependency? Can you open the .deb file with gdebi (`sudo apt install gdebi`), and tell me what is the missing dependency?
ilove cupcakes avatar
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@ArchismanPanigrahi i will show you what it says. see update 3 on the question.
ilove cupcakes avatar
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anyways i dont think my dash will allow me to search the internet. there are already scopes installed as dash plugins on my dash and they don't work. i have enabled ''allow search online sources'' in security and privacy and the result is still nothing.
us flag
I see. It is looking for python2 dependencies. Looks like it has to be repackaged to work with python3. I don't know if the code is compatible with python3. If the same code works, I will make a new package and would let you know.
ilove cupcakes avatar
au flag
@ArchismanPanigrahi , are you saying that i have to download python2 for it to work? because I can do this.
us flag
No, this package (python-requests, which is for python2) has been removed. Installing python2 won't help. Now there is `python3-requests`. However, I don't know if the code would work with python3. I would try to make a new package with a dependency of `python3-requests`, and it might work.
ilove cupcakes avatar
au flag
thank you. i don't know if it will be a waste of your time tho. because my unity dash seems to refuse to connect to the internet in any way
us flag
Instead of using Unity in Ubuntu, try this distro. It is actively maintained (however, it is off topic on Ask Ubuntu, as it is not an official flavor).
ilove cupcakes avatar
au flag
i'm downloading it but i'm not sure I'll know how to install it.
ilove cupcakes avatar
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@ArchismanPanigrahi could you guide me on how to install it please when it's done downloading?
ilove cupcakes avatar
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@ArchismanPanigrahi i've got a pendrive if needed be.
us flag
It's the same way you install Ubuntu. Download the iso, write it into a live USB drive, and boot from the live USB drive to run the installer. They also have a telegram support group.
ilove cupcakes avatar
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another person did the first part for me. i only did the installation part. how do I write it into an USB drive? please tell me.
ilove cupcakes avatar
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i dont use telegram
ilove cupcakes avatar
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@ArchismanPanigrahi ok i'm reading up on how to do it. i think i will know how to do it.
ilove cupcakes avatar
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@ArchismanPanigrahi just a question : does my USB drive have to be empty? because there is ubuntu 20.04 written on it already.
us flag
You can format it and then flash the iso to the usb drive.
us flag
The package fails to build with python3. I don't know enough python to port it to python3

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Most people don’t grasp that asking a lot of questions unlocks learning and improves interpersonal bonding. In Alison’s studies, for example, though people could accurately recall how many questions had been asked in their conversations, they didn’t intuit the link between questions and liking. Across four studies, in which participants were engaged in conversations themselves or read transcripts of others’ conversations, people tended not to realize that question asking would influence—or had influenced—the level of amity between the conversationalists.