
Searching for old release packages for Arm

bd flag

I'm trying to locate some old packages for libswt-gtk-4-java & libswt-gtk-4-jni.

I have identified scattered across these sites:

all the old package release lists.

But where are the packages?

Also ARM64 packages appeared at Saucy located on ( but when looking at Trusty ( ARM64 packages have disappeared.

Anyway I have identified that I want the ARM64 versions (4.3.2-1) from Vivid.

Does anyone know where I can find these packages?

zw flag

You can try download this packages using my Docker-based script named deb-download. You have to run it directly on ARM64.

Use commands below:

# setup the system
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git
sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER

# reboot

# download my script
cd ~/Downloads
git clone
cd deb-download
chmod +x

# download packages
./ ubuntu vivid libswt-gtk-4-java libswt-gtk-4-jni

after running the script you can find the debs inside ~/Downloads/deb-download/storage folder.

Another way is to grab deb-packages directly from .


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