
Ubuntu 20.04 mulitple kernels installed (is it safe to delete?)

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i got a message that boot has 0 bytes of free space. After that i checked how many kernels where installed an ran the command:

sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get autoremove

This removed like 2 old kernels but many remain. Is it safe to just uninstall all old kernels with apt-get purge?

uname -a

installed kernel

dpkg --get-selections | grep "linux-image-[[:digit:]].*" | tr "\t" ";" | cut -d ";" -f1

enter image description here

user535733 avatar
cn flag
Maybe. Maybe not. Try removing one old kernel using apt-get and see what happens.
TD15 avatar
cn flag
All these old kernels are pretty much useless and have security vulnerabilities that are fixed in newer ones. I remove old kernels using `sudo apt autoremove` and nothing bad happens.
David avatar
cn flag
The kernels are quite tiny how big was the Ubuntu area in the first place and what has filled it up. That is the real question.
ZimmerBaum avatar
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@TD15 these old kernels are not removed when using sudo apt autoremove. Thats why i was wondering if i should remove them manually.
ZimmerBaum avatar
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@David Well df -h shows now that 459 Mbyte (71%) of boot is used and 195 Mbyte are free. Autoremove did indeed remove some old kernels but by far not all (see screenshot in original post)

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