
how do I modify makefile which is already compiled?

cl flag

Let's say I have a makefile which looks like this:

all: a_functions.o b_functions.o c_functions.o d_functions.o main.o
     gcc -o all a_functions.o b_functions.o c_functions.o d_functions.o main.o
a_functions.o: a_functions.c
     gcc -c -o a_functions.o a_functions.c
b_functions.o: b_functions.c
     gcc -c -o b_functions.o b_functions.c
c_functions.o: c_functions.c
     gcc -c -o c_functions.o c_functions.c
main.o: main.c
     gcc -c -o main.o main.c

I could compile it using command

sudo make -f makefile

and program works nice if I run


but how to do if I want to add for example a clean command in makefile? I added

     rm *.o all

at the end of the makefile but my terminal shows

-bash: ./clean: No such file or directory

when I do ./clean

Of course recompiling makefile doesn't work either. It shows

make: 'all' is up to date.

when I do sudo make -f makefile

I found here How to edit makefile? that you can use

$ CFLAGS="-std=c99" make

this command in terminal or I can add


in my makefile but they still show

all is up to date

the image is just evidence that modifying did not work for me.

enter image description here

hr flag

A makefile is never compiled - it's interpreted by the make command. When you run


or more explicitly

make -f makefile

then by default, make builds the first target in the makefile - in this case, that's the all target. To build a non-default target, you need to name it on the command line i.e.

make clean


make -f makefile clean

Note that the clean target does not actually build anything, so unlike ./all there is no program like ./clean to run afterwards. In fact, you might want to declare the clean target as a phony target.

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cl flag
thank you! your answer helped me a lot

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