We are using Packer 1.7.10 under VirtualBox 6.1.30 on macOS 11.6.3 to build development VMs based on Ubuntu Server 20.04.3, using cloud-init autoinstall from the server ISO. The user-data file includes a long list of packages to install during the first boot.
When it works, it works well. But frequently installing those packages will fail, 15 or 20 minutes into the build. What is visible of the installer output in the VirtualBox console screen shows that some of the package installations have completed. Autoinstall prompts for user input, and Packer is unable to detect that the installation has failed.
We observed similar failures under our previous VM build scripts, using preseed files with Ubuntu 18.04, and it was usually because an Ubuntu mirror dropped or refused a connection. The workaround was to specify a different mirror in the preseed file and try again.
Is there any way to tell autoinstall to retry installing packages, or choose a different mirror, when the connection to the mirror is lost? Or would we be better off doing it in a shell script as a Packer provisioner?
The user-data file, with some details fudged:
version: 1
# The build will fail with an SSH authentication error if this is omitted.
hostname: "dev-gui"
username: "dsa"
realname: "Dis Simple App"
password: OMITTED
locale: "en_US.UTF-8"
layout: "en"
variant: ""
update: yes
install-server: true
allow-pw: true
# We do NOT want Packer to start running provisioners until this
# VM has rebooted.
- "systemctl stop sshd"
preserve_sources_list: false
geoip: true
# Set a sane timezone
timezone: America/Los_Angeles
# User and group info
- docker
- dsa
- postgres
- vboxsf
- name: "dsa"
gecos: "Dis Simple App"
primary_group: "dsa"
groups: [adm docker dsa postgres sudo vboxsf]
passwd: OMITTED
lock_passwd: false
# Packages to install
- ant
- automake
- batctl
- bison
- bmon
- bridge-utils
- ccache
- chrpath
- clang-tidy
- cmake
- cppcheck
- curl
- debconf-utils
- diffstat
- dkms
- docker.io
- doxygen
- emacs-nox
- expect
- flex
- g++-multilib
- gnuplot-nox
- iproute2
- lcov
- libcap-ng-dev
- libglib2.0-dev
- libncurses-dev
- libpixman-1-dev
- libtool
- libtinyxml2-dev
- module-assistant
- nfs-kernel-server
- nux-tools
- openjdk-11-jdk
- pylint
- python3-git
- python3-pip
- python3-pygments
- python3-venv
- python3-virtualenv
- python3.8-dev
- socat
- subversion
- texinfo
- traceroute
- u-boot-tools
- unzip
- xvfb
- name: node
channel: "16/stable"
classic: true
- name: codechecker
classic: true