
Hi, Ubuntu is suitable for my laptop, and no problems will arise

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Hello fit Ubuntu for my laptop my laptop HUAWEI MateBook D 14 Nbl-WAQ9R this is a photo of the bios and everything will be fine with the drivers and what is inside the components in the laptopenter image description here

and in this photo there are characteristics but not all, but there is a processor, etc. I'll show you now enter image description here enter image description here here they are

can be installed on my laptop HUAWEI Mate Book D 14 Nbl-WAQ9R Ubuntu and everything is fine and without problems ( LiveCD works well without problems and what else should be checked there so that there are no problems after installation)

and it may happen that my laptop will fail and will not be repaired (brick)

thank you for answering this question good luck to you

all this is translated into English for Russian into English

N0rbert avatar
zw flag
Does this answer your question? [Will my device work with Ubuntu?]( Also check .
ru flag

There seems to be a bit of a language barrier, but I assume this is machine translated and you're meaning to ask Ubuntu would work on this specific laptop.

You can just boot off from the install media and try it without installing. The installer is practically a fully equipped live CD. When you boot off it, just select "Try Ubuntu" instead of "Install Ubuntu" when the installer starts.

In general, the computer in your screenshots should work, I have a ThinkPad with similar Ryzen. The CPU and GPU both seem to work fine in mine.


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