I was playing a video in 2K, I stoped playing the video and I noticing that everything the graphics was very slowly, when I reviewed, I realized that Xorg was consuming up to 96% of the Nvidia RTX2070 graphic card, there was nothing more, that could consume that amount of GPU, I opened the system monitor (KSysGuard) and I killed Xorg, immediately the entire screen turn to black, I restarting and the start session the screen is on the same way, black.
I try to open a terminal to enter the startx command and I can not open any terminal, I can not open any application.
I can enter tty with Ctrl + Alt + F2, I write the startx command and I can enter the graphic interface in tty, then I active kwin and it is almost all normal screen with the exception of the desktop effects.
But the above only serves for the tty session since when writing in command: echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE, it returns tty.
My normal session start interface is still black and I have to enter tty and write startx to be able to enter the graphic interface.
Being in tty when I write the commands:
service kdm.start, and returns me: failed to start kdm.service unit kdm.service not found
And with the commands:
systemctl status kdm.service, returns me: unit kdm.service could not be found.
systemctl restart kdm.service, returns me: failed to restart kdm.Service: method call timed out
See system logs and 'systemctl status kdm.service' for details.
I have to install kdm.service? How do I do it?
I have read that the command:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
It is already obsolete and I have not used it.
I think I have not broken anything and it is only a configuration problem by executing some command or configuring a file.
How can I have the graphic interface in Kubuntu at the beginning of session again?
Thanks in advance.