I need guidance putting this together. I am trying to create two Desktop Shortcuts.
These are the Desktop Shortcut names:
- Coffee Shop WiFi
- Home WiFi
The purpose of creating two Desktop shortcuts is to disable my Intel wireless card
and activate my Wireless USB Adapter when I am working at coffee shop.
The second Desktop Shortcut is to disable USB wireless adapter and reactivate my Intel Wireless Card.
You can find out more information here:
Wifi is not working. Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX200 Kubuntu 21.10 HP Omen
I found a similar post to accomplish this task below:
1.Add a shell script with sudo to launcher as shortcut in Ubuntu 19.10
2.How to create desktop shortcut launcher on Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver Linux
3.How to create desktop shortcut or launcher on Linux
The problem is these articles are outdated and confusing.
So far, I ran this command to create a Coffee Shop Wi-Fi desktop Icon:
krillavilla@Krillavilla-Omega:~/Downloads$ gedit /usr/share/applications/CoffeeShopWifi.desktop
The text file is below:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Coffee Shop WiFi
Exec= # does the sudo command goes here?
GenericName=Coffee Shop WiFi
Also, do I add entry for Sudo script? The commands are below:
sudo modprobe -r iwlwifi
>>> This disables Intel Wireless Card and Activate WLAN1
sudo modprobe iwlwifi
>>> This reactivates Intel Wireless Card and Disable USB Wireless Adapter (WLAN1)
This is where I am stuck at. I need help