
hp laserjetpro p1102w

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Someone previously asked this, but no answers so far have been helpful.

I have downloaded the latest (which is hplip-3.22.2-run) and installed it. When I run the hp plug in via the terminal, it opens the gui so I click download it from the hp website (preferred) which I then do. It then pops up a window asking me to use password, which I AM USING THE CORRECT password, and it is failing. I simply do not know where to go anymore. I cannot get it to work because it keeps saying I do not have the plug ins, and cannot seem to find anywhere to download them, which I understand they are binary files? or is there a link somewhere I can use from the hp-plugin screen to use the second option to install from file i have downloaded? I have spent 6 hours and I still cannot print.

guiverc avatar
cn flag
You've provided no OS & release details so we know what software stack you're question relates to. Please provide.
waltinator avatar
it flag
Also please don't provide the ranty parts
N0rbert avatar
zw flag
Does this answer your question? [How should I install HPLIP binary/proprietary plugin/driver for my HP printer or printer+scanner?]( Also please note that you do not need latest version of binary HPLIP, you need at least [3.10.4]( Remove binary with [this answer](, then use deb-version and hp-plugin.

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