
Lenovo laptop with Ubuntu wont wake up from suspension

kz flag

I've been having this problem for a very long time where my Lenovo Ideapad 5 14" goes to sleep for me either closing the lid or just leaving it. When I try to wake it up my touching the keyboard or clicking/moving the mouse . I even went out to reinstalling my operating system with no difference. Don't know what to do anymore.

Thanks in advance to everyone that helps.

Neofetch Specs:

Link to lenovo firmware (Only for Windows):

cc flag
The power button might be used to resume after suspend. Have you check for any firmware updates from your vendor? Those might help on all sorts of odd problems.
kz flag
Only holding the power button for a couple of second (this turns it off). Would you mean to update the BIOS, I haven't found any that I could run on ubuntu.
cc flag
Just a touch on the button, not holding it, resumes my laptop. BIOS is probably not the right name any more with UEFI machines, so "firmware". Up to the vendor how they supply the updates, windows executable, DOS executable, or just a file which the machine can use to update itself.
kz flag
I use the command sudo fwupdmgr update and it says that there are no updatable devices, and it lists my devices. Also, it should simply wake up when I move the mouse or tap the keyboard I'd think.
ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
Two notable misconceptions: (1) *it should simply wake up when I move the mouse or tap the keyboard* No, it shouldn't. Suspension is a state where everything but the RAM is turned off (RAM keeps the current session "alive"). In laptops suspension and waking up is typically triggered by the lid switch but also the power button, some as in desktops, if suspended with the lid open. (...)
ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
(...) (2) Firmware (BIOS/UEFI and others) updates *should* be OS independent/agnostic. Ideally it should be possible without any OS involvement. That some vendors only publish Windows/DOS exes for that purpose is unfortunate but more often than not there are alternative ways. More often than not all it takes is to read the additional notes, the "fine print" and/or do a google search. `fwupmgr` is a generic tool for Linux distros to be in equal footing but it depends entirely on manufacturers enrolling their updates.
ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
You may want to [edit] the question and add brand/model and hardware specifications and/or even a direct link for the firmware update page for your model. We'll see what can be done about it.
kz flag
Thank you for your contribution!
ms flag

I have such kind of problem for a very long with my lenovo ideapad. I have tried different methods but none worked out for me. So i decided to go back to my windows and updated my Bios then it worked out for me. Now, i can suspend and wake it up without any problem. I suggest you should updating your Bios also

kz flag
Thank you for answering, since then I have moved to Arch Linux and the problem still continued. What seemed to fix the problem most of (but not all) the time was switching to kernel 6.2.10-zen1-1-zen.

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