
Add Emoji onto Virtual Desktop Bar on Kubuntu 21.10

cn flag

This is weird request but how do I add emoji icon onto Virtual Desktop Bar on Kubuntu 21.10?

let me explain....

This is virtual desktop bar located on my Kubuntu 21.10 desktop:

enter image description here

if I want to add shark emoji onto my "wireshark" virtual desktop bar:

enter image description here

I would rename my virtual desktop name and paste the shark emoji next to the name. This what happens if I paste the shark emoji next to the name:


Before I reinstall Kubuntu 21.10, I was able to install it. I use this github link to install virtual desktop bar:

Virtual Desktop Bar

krillavilla avatar
cn flag
@guiverc it was by mistake
jp flag

Q: Can we pin an Emoji to the Virtual Desktop Bar?

A: No

Q: Can we access the Emoji Picker on Kubuntu?

A: Yes, your system's environment needs to be at least KDE Plasma 5.18. Access it by pressing meta + .

Q: Is the meta key equivalent to super?

A: You can check either if it works or not, I'm a Windows user.


krillavilla avatar
cn flag
it didnt worked

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