
Access Denied: shared folder between Win host and ubuntu guest using VM

vn flag

I created shared folder in Windows and linked it to Ubuntu through VM settings-Shared Folder-Added path-name.

Now this shared folder is not accessible when I start the ubuntu OS. I added my username to the vboxsf group and restarted guest OS, tried logging out-logging back in but the problem persists.

How to resolve the issue? I am getting access denied on ubuntu.

N0rbert avatar
zw flag
Does this answer your question? [How to access a shared folder in VirtualBox?](
learner57 avatar
vn flag
@N0rbert : No. I tried all of the options given in the link you provided. It's still saying access denied. And if I am manually mounting the guest folder, I can access the folder but it's not showing any bidirectional changes between host and guest shared folder.
WU-TANG avatar
cn flag
removed my answer after seeing Norbert's comment... mine was somewhat similar to the first one on that page except that I am using /etc/fstab to auto-mount and I am explicitly declaring the options... FYI, my user is not a member of vboxsf. Who is the owner of the mount point-unmounted? Who is the owner of the directory and files when mounted?

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