
Add several layouts to one keyboard language like in Windows

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I was only able to find a topic like this Input language and keyboard layout but maybe something changed since then.

In Windows, I can have, say, two languages, e.g., English and Spanish. For each language I can add multiple layouts, like US keyboard, US international keyboard, and so on. So I can switch between languages (for example, shift + alt) and between the layouts within one language (e.g., ctrl + shift).

Is there anything similar I can do in Ubuntu? Unfortunately, all I could do is to add different layouts as "languages" but this is incovenient.

Maybe it is possible to assign a specific keyboard shortcut to switch to a specific layout right away, but I haven't found anything.

Sadaharu Wakisaka avatar
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For Ubuntu 21.10 go to settings and choose keyboard. There you will have the option to change between keyboard layouts You can also change the keyboard layouts on the fly pressing Windows(aka. super key) and space


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