
Determining why settings says "Unknown Display" in 21.10

cn flag

I have recently built a system with a Intel CPU with embedded graphics. I have installed Ubuntu 21.10 and it says "Unknown Display" in the settings and I cannot change the display resolution from 1024x768 even though the monitor supports much higher resolution.

I ran across a discussion about using inxi -G and saw that it said driver "N/A" so I thought I needed the latest Intel drivers. Here was my output:

  Device-1: Intel AlderLake-S GT1 driver: N/A 
  Display: server: 1.20.13 driver: loaded: fbdev 
  unloaded: modesetting,vesa tty: 80x24 
  Message: Advanced graphics data unavailable in console for root.

I built the latest media-driver from GitHub and installed it (not without a bit of pain) and still have the same result.

That means I don't understand the problem or what to look at.

What diagnostics should I be doing to determine why I am prevented from changing the screen resolution?

zw flag

According to you have to get newest possible linux kernel for this Ubuntu version. Or upgrade whole system to 22.04 LTS by sudo do-release-upgrade -d or update-manager -cd with its 5.15 kernel and test possible progress here.


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