
Enable remote screen sharing from headless server on 21.10

cn flag

I have a VPS running Ubuntu 21.10 that I can SSH in to and doesn't have a video device.

I want to know how to configure it to be able to remote in to the server from my personal machine via VNC or RDP preferably with Gnome Shell or Ubuntu Desktop.

bh flag

One thing that does definitely work, is to use xRDP. I'm running a few RHEL servers with that configured and enabled (for letting users access powerful and always on machines with various physics software pre-configured).

It lets you connect via any RDP client, giving you a login screen. Multiple users can connect and work simultaneously. The local login is unaffected (however I doubt it is a good idea to simultaneously start gnome on both the local console and remotely).

cn flag

The solution I went for is to install gnome-session then to access it remotely setup Chrome Remote Desktop.

apt install gnome-session

Then follow the Chrome Remote Desktop instructions.

gfmoore avatar
ss flag
This may end up being the best solution, but I am a bit worried about a third party hosting this and perhaps monitoring what I am doing. Is this a fair thought or am I missing something?

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