
How can I get a Hindi transliteration keyboard in Fedora Linux? (like there's Google Indic for Android)

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I am new to using Fedora Linux. While setting it up through my Virtual box Machine on Win10 it asked for input keyboards. I usually work in English (in/en) keyboards, but sometimes I had to do some typing work in Hindi.

It showed 3 categories for Hindi keyboards: Bolnagri, KaGaPa & Wx. However on checking them up on internet, I found all of them were actually Phonetic Keyboards (Hindi script, Hindi typing).

Whilst I am more comfortable to work on Traliteration Keyboards (Roman script, Hindi typing), just like we have Google Indic keyboards in Android like this

Tilman avatar
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You are aware that you posted this question on the forum Ask Ubuntu which is specific for Ubuntu questions? You are aware that Fedora is not Ubuntu?

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