
Unable to access shared folder on VM Guest Ubuntu OS

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I had a fresh installation of Ubuntu guest OS on VM today. My host machine is Windows 10.

I installed the Guest Addition iso to get started. I created a sharedfolder on Win 10 host. In OS settings, I added the details of sharedfolder path, auto mount check through shared folder section.

I started the Ubuntu OS and could not see the mounted shared folder. Researching through internet, I found that I need to add myself to the vboxsf group so I did sudo usermod -aG vboxsf $(whoami)

Also tried sudo adduser $USER vboxsf and it says user already present in the group.

Rebooted and I tried logging in and out, also rebooted host, VM, Ubuntu, but again seeing access denied.

daisy57@titan:~/Desktop$ cd /media/
daisy57@titan:/media$ ls
daisy57  sf_sharedfolder
daisy57@titan:/media$ cd sf_sharedfolder/
bash: cd: sf_sharedfolder/: Permission denied

Can you please help where am I missing a step?

in flag
Which version of Ubuntu are you running? Is this Ubuntu Server or Ubuntu Desktop?

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