
Windows app using Wine?

gs flag

Can I run windows file from my corrupted windows harddrive using mount to Linux and run wine application, because I want to run some program from corrupted hard disk to get some program data?

ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
I would venture a short answer here: No.
Mohsin avatar
gs flag
Thanks for answer, so I need do some thing other.
us flag

It depends on how corrupted your hard disk is. Also, not all windows application work equally well in Wine. You can find more about specific applications on the application database for Wine.

There's really nothing more we can say here. You should try it out yourself.

Mohsin avatar
gs flag
I basically need to run chrome to recover my Gmail account from Windows HDD that won't simply boot.
us flag
You can install Chrome in Ubuntu. I still don't get it.
sa flag

In order to run a Windows program with Wine you must first install it in Wine, and in order to do that you need to locate the program's installation file. Usually it's an .exe file. Alternatively you can install some Windows apps in Ubuntu, for example Google Chrome web browser has a .deb file which can be downloaded from the Google Chrome website and installed in Ubuntu with sudo apt install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb Then launch Chrome and recover your Gmail account.


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