
Remove visual studio code installed with .deb file

kp flag

I am trying to remove visual studio code that is in code_1.72.2-1665614327_amd64.deb.

I used this to install.

gdebi code_1.72.2-1665614327_amd64.deb

I have tried this.

andy@7 ~> sudo dpkg -r code_1.72.2-1665614327_amd64.deb
dpkg: error: you must specify packages by their own names, not by quoting the names of the files they come in

According to this, there should be a /usr/share/code/ directory, but it does not exist.

Does that mean that the .deb was not installed?

enter image description here

David avatar
cn flag
What was the exact command you used to install it? Was it packaged with something else?
Esther avatar
es flag
how do you run vscode? dpkg is telling you the issue: the package's *name* is not the same as the name of the *deb file*. Use the name of the package itself in `dpkg -r`.
Esther avatar
es flag
You can find the package name with `dpkg -info <filename.deb>`, look at what it says after "Package:"
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