
What might cause windows to be redrawn exceptionally slowly on Ubuntu 22.04 running nvidia graphics?

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I've seen the following problem a couple of times now running 22.04 but have never seen it before on my Ubuntu installation (running same hardware).

You can see a video of this in action at youtube.

You will see that windows move extremely slow as I drag them across the screen.

Here are details of my system:

system details

It's not the main processor, it is that suddenly graphics processing seems to be effected.

What might cause this?

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I discovered that this stopped occurring when I closed an app which is using a component WebView2.

I then started the app again and the odd slow behavior started occurring again.

It seems that the WebView2 component causes this to happen.

I'm also running FireFox 107.0 64-bit but even if I close that (and all other apps) and only run the app which contains the WebView2 component do I see the problem.


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