
How to install Megasync on Ubuntu 22.04 arm64?

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I am using Ubuntu 22.04 on a ARM64 computer.

I want to use MegaSync desktop client.

However the MegaSync client is only available for Ubuntu (amd64) and Raspbian (armhf).

Its source is available on GitHub, so it may be possible to use it in arm64.

I tried adding the armhf architecture in dpkg, but the armhf .deb file (for Raspbian Buster) cannot be installed in Ubuntu 22.04 due to missing dependencies.

in flag
Which ARM64 CPU are you using? They don't all support the full 32-bit instruction set found in the Hard Float variant
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@matigo It is a Oracle cloud server with Ampere A1 processor (also updated the question with this information). They provide 4 cores with 24 GB RAM (can be accessed over SSH/XRDP) as a free service :)
in flag
Hmm ... I cannot find any non-marketing technical details about those processors, so do not know whether they can handle armhf code (even if the dependencies are met)
us flag
@matigo With some trial and error, I found which all dependencies have to be manually installed, and which all can be pulled in with apt. See my answer.
us flag

First, add the armhf architecture.

sudo dpkg --add-architecture armhf

Now, update the software repositories.

sudo apt update

Download the megasync desktop client (armhf) for Raspbian Buster.


First, download the missing dependencies from focal repositories.


Install these missing dependencies with apt.

sudo apt install ./libssl1.1_1.1.1f-1ubuntu2.16_armhf.deb
sudo apt install ./libraw19_0.19.5-1ubuntu1_armhf.deb

Finally, install MegaSync.

sudo apt install ./megasync-Raspbian_10.0_armhf.deb 

You will have to activate either of the Ubuntu Appindicators or Appindicator and KStatusNotifierItem Support extensions so that the Mega tray icon works properly in GNOME.

End Results

enter image description here MegaSync armhf version working on an arm64 computer.

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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